Nursery Class
Alfred Salter Nursery is a warm and friendly environment where our youngest children thrive
Nursery Hours
08:45 to 11:45 (part time)
08:45 to 15:15 * (Full Time)
*providing you are eligible for 30 hours free childcare or will pay for the additional hours.
We offer both part time and full time places.
Our Nursery operates in the usual school term times only.
Children in our Nursery are also able to access the Wraparound Care which enables working families to ensure that their children can be cared for from 7:30am - 6pm in term times. For more information please see our Wraparound Care page.
We also host holiday care during the main school holidays which is operated by a separate company. Please contact the School Office for more information.
Applying for a Nursery place
Children can start at Alfred Salter Nursery the term after their third birthday, starting in September. Now that Southwark has a single point of entry into primary schooling Alfred Salter’s main intake has become September each year, although places do become available at other times in the year.
Places are offered in the Spring term for the following September intake.
Our closing date for places for September 2024 is Friday 23rd February 2024
To apply for a place, parents and carers are asked to complete an Admissions Enquiry Form below and our Admissions Officer will be in contact the week after the closing date.
Options for Nursery
All Nursery age children are entitled to 15 hours a week of free education. We offer this as one 3 hour morning session each day of the week. Occasionally, we can offer two full days and a part day (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning or Wednesday afternoon and Thursday and Friday) where families request this option and if we have two families who will be able to share the week.
We also offer 30 hours a week of education for all children whose families are eligible for this. You can check your eligibility using this website. Our Nursery day extends beyond the required 15 hours as we do not count the lunchtime as part of the hours. We therefore ask for a top up fee of £12.75 to cover the staffing costs of the additional hours over the week.
For families who would prefer their child to attend Nursery full time, but who are not eligible for 30 hours of education, we have a Nursery additional hours fee which includes the top up fee mentioned above and all lunches and snacks throughout the day. Please contact our Office Manager to discuss current nursery charges: admissions@alfredsalter.com