School Day
Beginning of the Day
- We open the school gate at 8:45am for families
- Classrooms are open from 8:50am (unless it is raining, when the children can come straight in)
- At 8:55am the teachers take the registers
- All children who are not in the classroom by 9:00am will be marked as late
- The gate will be closed at 9:00am and any adults in the playground will need to leave through the front of the school
- Children arriving after 9:00am will need to come to the front door and the adult accompanying the child will be asked to sign the child in while a member of staff takes the child around to class.
End of the Day
- Gates are opened at 3:15pm for families
- Children are dismissed from the classroom at 3:20pm
- After school activities start at 3:30pm. To enable them to start promptly, any adults in the playground will be asked to leave the site and the gates will be locked
- Any children who have not been collected by 3:30pm will be taken to After School Care and there may be a charge for this.
5 Mins late every day = 3.4 days of learning lost every year |